- Langues et cultures,
Academic Idiomatic Language
Publié le 17 mars 2025
Mis à jour le 18 mars 2025
Idiomatic language workshop with a professor from Purdue University (USA)
le 27 mars 2025
11h à 12h
Bâtiment Ida Maier (V)
Salle VR10
Students will be able to: Add to their vocab, Increase automaticity/fluency, Build Speaker confidence, Evaluate idiomatic language
Warm-up 5-10 minutes
Introduction: ice-breaker
Ask students what they know about idiomatic language.
Pair students and ask them to think about interesting English idiomatic phrases they know (or
French idiomatic phrases if they have a particular affection for it).
Open the floor for students to share
Lecture/Demonstration: 7-10 minutes
Discuss audience and changing language to suit the needs of an audience
- Provide some examples of academic vs. colloquial idiomatic phrases
Demonstrate the use of Youglish.
1. Pronunciation practice
2. Usage of idiomatic phrase
3. Popularity of idiomatic phrase
Student paired work (Instructor circulates between groups) 30 minutes
Part 1: understanding idiomatic phrases 5-10 minutes
1. Students will select 2 academic idiomatic phrases. Random selected from instructor
2. Students will use Youglish to help them determine the meaning of their phrases
(Instructor helps as needed)
3. After instructor recognizes the students have determined the meaning of their idiomatic
phrases allow them to move onto part 2
Part 2: Demonstrating the idiomatic phrase 20 minutes
1. Students will receive a random scenario to role play
2. Students will create a short scene to enact during the session (I will have a few scripts in
case there are some students who are high anxiety with creativity)
Part 3: Audience participation
1. Audience will listen and identify the idiomatic phrase in the role play
2. Audience will define the meaning of the idiomatic phrase based off the role play
Recap: 5-10 minutes
Review the idiomatic phrases that were used
Answer Questions (open to questions outside of the lesson)
Mis à jour le 18 mars 2025