EDUC-SHARE : Online Staff Training Programme in 21st Century Skills - Second Edition

Publié le 27 septembre 2023 Mis à jour le 25 juillet 2024

L'alliance EDUC est heureuse de présenter la deuxième édition de son programme de formation du personnel aux compétences transversales, développé dans le cadre du projet EDUC-SHARE.

Ce programme de formation, composé d'une série de sessions de formation en ligne et en anglais proposées par les membres fondateurs de l'alliance EDUC, est accessible à l'ensemble de leur personnel enseignant et administratif.

Au programme :

Problem-solving and decision-making - 10 November 2023

By Cristina Cabras, Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology (UniCa) & Mirian Agus, Associate Professor of Psychometrics, Psychologist (UniCa) – University of Cagliari.
10 November 2023, 10:00-13:00
Number of participants: up to 50

The training activities will refer to the scientific area of Cognitive Psychology Applied to Problem Solving and Decision Making. During the 3 hours of the course, the teachers will address the following aspects of problem-solving and decision-making:
● Topic presentation
● Exercise
● Problem finding – detection of a problem
● Problem setting – definition of a problem
● Problem analysis – decomposition of the main problem in secondary problems
● Decision making – decision on how to act
● Decision taking – transition to action
● Question time
● Discussion and conclusions

Identify and mobilize your soft skills - 14 November 2023

By Lucy Arbuckle, Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics - University of Rennes.
14 November 2023, 9:30-12:30
Number of participants : up to 16

Soft skills are increasingly valued by recruiters. Used on a daily basis, they help to anticipate a person's ability to integrate easily, to work in a team and/or independently. This workshop will help you identify your soft skills and develop them.

Resilience - 16 & 23 November 2023

By Edit Bányai, Associate Professor of Marketing and Intercultural Business Communication - University of Pécs.
16 and 23 November 2023, 9:00-11:00
Number of participants: 15-20

Resilience training focuses on the following areas:
● Master the skillset, toolset and mindset of cultivating resilience, reframing adversity and unleashing your potential.
    - How could you establish your inner stability, resilience regarding change and crisis?
    - Our emotional health, reactive-proactive approach.
    - Positive attitude, self-motivation.
● Our energy levels.
● The different types of stress.  Positive stress, effects of stress.
● Mastering and implementing some efficient stress management techniques and coping mechanisms into our everyday lives, creating a positive attitude.

Master brain - 20 November 2023

By Václav Strnadel  Soft-skills Trainer & Business Storyteller (company Azteka) - Masaryk University CERPEK.
20 November 2023, 9:00-12:30
Number of participants: 30-40

Make full use of your brain power! In this workshop full of practical exercises, you will find out how our memory really works. How we create memories and why we forget.
How to remember and learn anything you want. And here is a little spoiler alert: although our brain is an amazing organ, you will discover it cannot be always trusted…
Workshop contents:
● What do we remember and why do we forget?
● Creating memories. Even the false ones.
● Sensory, short- and long-term memory in practice.
● Storytelling and memory hacking.

Staying motivated in another language - 21 November 2023

By Daniel Schug, Associate Professor in English for non-English majors - University Paris Nanterre.
21 November 2023, 14:00-17:00
Number of participants : 15-20

Operating in international contexts can be tricky for a number of reasons — particularly when we have to work in a different language.  Low motivation, language anxiety, and difficulty focusing are just a few of things that can make it difficult to develop our language skills at work.  This training will help you incorporate language development into your daily routine to help you become a more effective, confident foreign language user. Topics covered:
● Tools for autonomous practice (resources, websites, AI chatbots…).
● Tools for reflexive practice (journals, discussion boards…).
● Strategies for keeping motivation high & stress low.
**Contrary to other training programs, this program is open to those with a B1 level of English or greater.

Mis à jour le 25 juillet 2024